
Read the latest news, updates, information, guides and all things Hanrahan Health.

Should I try Speech Pathology sessions via telehealth? What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth is a service that we provide to clients and families who are unable to attend...

Japan leads the way on modified diets

A lot of people don’t realise that alongside all thing communication, Speech Pathologists...

Early communication

We all want our children to be able to verbally communicate with us clearly and easily, and...

Reading in our daily lives

There are many things in our environment which require reading. Have a look around...

The role of the Speech Pathologist in aged care

As Australia’s population continues to age, the speech pathologist’s role in aged care...

Talking to someone with a communication difficulty… What to do!

Communication is a basic human right. Imagine having difficulty communicating…

The effects of handheld screen time on speech/language development

In the old days, watching TV and using the computer used to be the only screen time we had.

Ear Infections – How do they affect your child’s speech and language development?

‍Otitis media is the name for a fluid build-up in the middle ear due to inflammation...

Baby sign language – what is it, how do you do it, and why does it help?

Natural gesture and baby sign language (or key word signing) are terms you may have heard...

How can a Speech Pathologist help?

When I inform people that I am a Speech Pathologist, the typical reply is...

How can a Speech Pathologist help me if I have Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the deterioration of neurons in the brain that produce...

Creating a language-rich environment for your toddler

Children learn speech and language by exploring, listening, watching, babbling, playing...